Tuesday, January 21, 2014


rasanye ramai da tau pasal remix 'kangkung' kan
nah link nye..dengar la sendiri bagi sape yg xdengar lagi


ni jawabnye


Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak once again hit out at critics who made fun of him over his "kangkung" remark, insisting that it was his favourite food.

"When it is the monsoon season, prices of fish goes up and even vegetables," he said as the crowd burst into laughter at the reference to vegetables.

"I had used the kangkung as an example of the supply-demand principle. My favourite foods are kangkung and sotong (squid)."

n ku rasa rakyat2 semua da bijak
nilai sendiri je la ye ;)


Mrs mAmikO AbUrakOji said...

hehe..ni 1st time aku dengar ni..

"kangkung dulu naik sekarang ni dah turun"

sedap gak..hahaha

zal88 said...

haha..mcm2 versi ade timah..